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What is the average monthly cost of shopify?

It's a good question, and once we've looked at the pricing, namely the basic package at €27 per month the Shopify package at €79 per month the Advanced package at €289 per month and finally the Shopify Plus package at $2300 per month, we haven't gone all the way to understand the monthly cost.

In fact, for each Basic Shopify Advanced or Plus package we have different main features, such as the number of international marketplaces, the number of inventory locations and many other criteria.

The important thing to remember, however, is that the cheaper the package, the higher the cost of Shopify commissions. So there are mechanical break-even points where, depending on the sales you generate, the Shopify commission added to the monthly cost will give you a total hit.

For example, if you make around €6,000 per month, it will be more interesting to switch to a Shopify package at €79 per month than to stay on the basic subscription at €27 per month, but which has a much higher Shopify commission, and so the average and average monthly cost of Shopify will in one case be against you.-. 

Shopify average monthly cost comparison

- With the basic package at €27 per month, you pay 1.5% commission plus €0.25 per order.

- The average cost of the Shopify package at €79 per month has a commission of 1.3% plus €0.25 per order.

- While the advance package costs €289 per month at a commission rate of 1.1% plus €0.25 per order.

As you can see, the fixed cost per order of €0.25 is the same for all three packages.

On the other hand, for the cheapest package, Shopify will take a higher commission of 1.5%. For the slightly more expensive package at €79 per month, Shopify will take a commission of 1.3% instead of 1.5%. And finally, for the Advanced package at €289 per month, the commission will be 1.1% instead of 1.3% in the Shopify package and 1.5% in the basic package.

Once you've understood how Shopify's average monthly cost is made up, with two adjustment variables - your sales and your number of monthly orders - you'll have a good overview of costs.

But don't forget that Shopify's business model is also based on monthly application subscriptions, which are very useful for developing your business.

What is the average monthly cost of Shopify applications?

You should therefore plan to add the average monthly cost of the Shopify applications between the one for RGPD, the one for sending an invoice, the one for making Crossell, the one for making verified reviews, etc. If you're just starting out, you may need to add €50 to the average monthly cost of Shopify and its subscription.

Finally, don't forget the price of an e-commerce site, and typically you could choose to tie it up over three years, for example, and divide the cost of creating your shopify store by 36 months.

In conclusion, how much Shopify costs on average, and on a monthly basis, is a subject to be well anticipated.

You may also incur management fees with an e-commerce manager, which you need to add to your monthly costs.

Finally, regarding the Shopify commission, don't forget that if you don't use Shopify payment, you'll pay a commission to the payment service providers.

Typically :

for the basic package, you will pay an additional 2%.

for the Shopify package, you will pay an additional 1%,

and for the Advanced package, you will pay an additional 0.6%.

So you have to be careful and add up, because a payment service provider may be competitive, but if Shopify charges you 1% more, it may not be profitable.

Remember: the higher your monthly sales, the more you can negotiate a competitive commission rate with a third-party supplier.

Our advice: for start-ups or merchants who want to get started and therefore don't have any sales, you should start with the basic package until you reach around €5,000 to €6,000 in sales, at which point it's a good idea to upgrade to the Shopify package. Of course, and again, some of the features you're going to want to use may be in the higher package. As a result, the sales criterion alone won't be enough to decide which package to choose.

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"Quand j'ai fondé LobsTTer, les agences Shopify n'existaient quasiment pas encore en France et nous étions parmi les premiers à devenir Shopify Partner ! Puis j'ai pu rapidement, en 2015, obtenir le certificat expert Shopify. Un des atouts de Shopify était déjà l’optimisation SEO avec les meta sur les collections et produits par exemple, nous étions convaincus qu'il fallait aussi être agence SEO Shopify pour offrir un service complet en e-commerce. Créer des sites sur mesure au travers de notre agence E-commerce, ou encore vous rendre plus autonome avec nos programmes de formation Shopify reste une passion et une conviction. Faites appel à nos Shopify Partners sur-motivés pour une approche ROISTE du Ecommerce. 🚀"

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