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The complete guide to Shopify 2.0 themes

What are the new Shopify 2.0 themes?

The new Shopify 2.0 themes are a big change from the long-standing originals. Gone are the days of complicated customization.

Shopify users can now fully customize every element of their pages, product sheets, collections... They can also choose from a wide range of templates, so they have access to layouts that integrate well on mobile devices and desktops.

In this article, I'll go over some of the main reasons why you should care about this latest Shopify theme update. I'll also go over some of the features that make up the new design system and show how it will help your business move forward in 2022.

How do Shopify Themes 2.0 affect your store?

Shopify Themes 2.0 is here with many new features for your store.

It's no longer just about aesthetics - now you can create a site that's more functional, with better navigation and more attractive than ever, and even faster!

Shopify E-commerce site design modification challenges and how they are solved by Shopify Theme 2.0

5 areas for improvement :

- Overall visual appearance

- Navigation and user experience

- Enriched and unique product sheets!

- Blogs with Cross-sell upsell

- Unique "enriched" collection pages!

What are the advantages of using Shopify Theme 2.0?

Shopify Theme 2.0 has many benefits for users. It's a robust theme that can help you generate more sales and achieve higher conversions.

The new Shopify Theme 2.0 isn't just a redesign or a new look - it's an enhancement that helps your online store perform better. The theme contains many features that can help you achieve higher conversions and increase your sales, such as the all-unique page generator with different templates.

What's more, using this new Shopify Theme 2.0 offers many other advantages, such as increased page load speed for your visitors.

What are the reasons for the release of the Shopify 2.0 theme?

Shopify's new 2.0 theme aims to make e-commerce easier for merchants who want to run their own online store. The new design has an improved layout, navigation, content and functionality. It is more responsive on mobile devices and all modifications are made with customization in mind.

Shopify theme 2.0 has been released to address some of the drawbacks of the previous version of the theme released last November. According to Shopify's Director of Product Management, Jonathan Sutton, certain features had not always been well thought out.

The main aim of Shopify and Themes 2.0 is to make it easier for merchants to create an online store and manage it themselves on a day-to-day basis.

Why is the new Shopify 2.0 theme so important?

The biggest change in 10 years!

Over the past few years, Shopify has made many improvements to its platform. This has been a good thing for users and developers alike, as there's more to work with and it becomes easier to create the necessary changes. But one of the most recent changes is a big step - Shopify is switching from using web-standard HTML markup to using React JS for its theme editor.

The new Shopify 2.0 theme will have a major impact on the way people create their online stores, whether they're new or experienced. This upgrade will bring many benefits, including greater flexibility and improvements to the user experience. With this upgrade, Shopify allows users to create websites from scratch or customize existing templates with the guidance of an agency or Shopify Expert like LobsTTer

What's new in the new Shopify 2.0 theme?

Shopify 2.0 is a major update to Shopify themes and design tools. It's also a complete overhaul of the administrator, giving you a brand-new interface for managing your theme and sections.

The new Shopify 2.0 theme is designed to deliver a high customer experience, whether they visit your site on desktop or mobile devices. It has been optimized for all major browsers and screen sizes.

Shopify's new theme offers improved navigation thanks to a completely redesigned side menu that makes it easier than ever to manage your site.

How will this change the way you create or develop your online store?

The new Shopify theme will make it easier for any user to create or redesign an Eshop from scratch. The 2.0 theme is more intuitive and has a cleaner design. It also has improved navigation, making it easier for customers to browse products and find what they need.

Shopify Online Store 2.0Shopify Online Store 2.0, the latest version of the official theme platform, brings you new 2.0 themes that completely change the way you build your store - so you can get it up and running faster!

How to make the most of a redesign, update to the new Shopify 2.0 themes?

A beautiful design will never compensate for a lack of value and authenticity. If you want to produce high-quality content, you need to take the following steps:

1) Research and analyze your audience

2) Search for relevant products or services

3) Write convincing headlines

4) Offer useful features and benefits

5) Write with SEO in mind

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For example, if you want to promote a niche product, your product sheet should provide relevant features and benefits such as: how it solves a problem, what makes it different from the rest of the competition, why people should buy it, etc.

Conclusion: Why should you care about the latest Themes update to Shopify Online Store 2.0 for your Eshop design?

The new version of Shopify Theme 2.0 will bring a whole new level of creativity and professionalism to the design process by agencies like LobsTTer . If you're looking for a mobile-first design, a responsive, unique layout and a cleaner, more modern look, then this is the perfect update for you.

In a nutshell: The theme is designed to give you the best UX Design and user experience, as well as speed.

Now, you may be thinking: "But I don't have the budget for a new theme!" Depending on the version of your old theme, this can be a minor job requiring two days' work: that's 1400 euros or even more in some cases where there's been a lot of development.

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Which Shopify themes improve the online user experience?

Now that you've understood the benefits of the new Shopify 2.0 theme, it's time to see how it can enhance your online user experience. First of all, thanks to the new design of your site, visitors will be more inclined to stay on your homepage and explore your store. What's more, the enhanced product filters offered by the Shopify 2.0 theme will make it easier to navigate and find the products you want.

What's more, your site's loading speed is a crucial factor for online sales. The Shopify 2.0 theme is optimized to ensure that your website loads quickly, which is an important factor in reducing your site's bounce rate. What's more, the new Shopify 2.0 theme offers free themes that are easily customizable so you can create a unique site that reflects your company's image.

What's more, the new product pages in the Shopify 2.0 theme have been enhanced to offer a more pleasant user experience. The product pages of your online store are one of the most important elements of your business. The new product pages in the Shopify 2.0 theme offer an improved visual presentation, a more organized layout and more detailed product information.

Why work with LobsTTer for your Shopify service needs?

In conclusion, working with LobsTTer agency for your Shopify provider needs will allow you to take advantage of the benefits offered by the Shopify 2.0 theme to enhance your online user experience. By choosing our agency, you'll have access to Shopify experts who can guide you through customizing your site with the Shopify 2.0 theme to achieve impressive results. If you're interested in our services, don't hesitate to book an appointment with a Shopify Expert to find out more or to get a personalized quote by visiting our website at

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How does Shopify work? Why choose Shopify? Part I to III

Why start an e-commerce business and choose Shopify?

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L'avis du partenaire des clients ambitieux : notre CEO, Ludovic Mariault

"Quand j'ai fondé LobsTTer, les agences Shopify n'existaient quasiment pas encore en France et nous étions parmi les premiers à devenir Shopify Partner ! Puis j'ai pu rapidement, en 2015, obtenir le certificat expert Shopify. Un des atouts de Shopify était déjà l’optimisation SEO avec les meta sur les collections et produits par exemple, nous étions convaincus qu'il fallait aussi être agence SEO Shopify pour offrir un service complet en e-commerce. Créer des sites sur mesure au travers de notre agence E-commerce, ou encore vous rendre plus autonome avec nos programmes de formation Shopify reste une passion et une conviction. Faites appel à nos Shopify Partners sur-motivés pour une approche ROISTE du Ecommerce. 🚀"

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