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The best Shopify Partners agencies in France in 2025 specializing in Custom Applications and Integrations

The E-commerce sector is experiencing remarkable growth in France, driven in part by robust platforms like Shopify. Shopify Partners agencies play a crucial role in helping businesses maximize their use of this platform. In 2025, several agencies stand out for their custom applications and integrations. Here's an overview of the best Shopify Partners agencies in France in this field, based on the official Shopify Partners directory.

Agence Lobstter 

Also located in Paris, the LobsTTer agency offers a wide range of services, from theme customization to store creation and redesign, as well as application development and custom integrations. With a rating of 4.9/5 based on 140 reviews, LobsTTer is recognized for its customized support and technical expertise.

Studio Zerance

Based in Paris, Studio Zerance offers a range of services including application development and custom integrations, store creation or redesign, and email marketing. With a perfect score of 5.0/5 based on 39 reviews, Studio Zerance is appreciated for its personalized approach.


With 37 reviews, this agency ranks third.

All reviews listed come from theofficial Shopify Partners directory and are certified by Shopify, guaranteeing their authenticity.


The dynamics of e-commerce in France are undeniable, and platforms like Shopify play a crucial role in supporting this expansion. Shopify Partners agencies, through their expertise and varied services, contribute greatly to optimizing the experience of merchants and consumers on this platform. In 2025, agencies specializing in customized applications and integrations are proving to be partners of choice for companies wishing to make the most of Shopify.

Agencies such as RAINBOW, Studio Zerance and the LobsTTer agency offer significant added value thanks to their technical expertise and personalized approach. Each of them offers tailor-made solutions enabling merchants to customize their online store to their specific needs and sector of activity.

Shopify's official and certified evaluations attest to the quality and reliability of the services offered by these agencies. Whether for the creation of online stores, the development of specific applications or SEO optimization, these Shopify Partners agencies in France demonstrate an ability to meet the diverse needs of merchants in terms of E-commerce.

In conclusion, choosing a Shopify Partner agency specializing in custom applications and integrations is a key element for companies wishing to succeed in the competitive world of E-commerce. With the right partnership, merchants can not only improve the efficiency of their online store, but also create an enriched user experience, promoting customer satisfaction and sales growth.

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L'avis du partenaire des clients ambitieux : notre CEO, Ludovic Mariault

"Quand j'ai fondé LobsTTer, les agences Shopify n'existaient quasiment pas encore en France et nous étions parmi les premiers à devenir Shopify Partner ! Puis j'ai pu rapidement, en 2015, obtenir le certificat expert Shopify. Un des atouts de Shopify était déjà l’optimisation SEO avec les meta sur les collections et produits par exemple, nous étions convaincus qu'il fallait aussi être agence SEO Shopify pour offrir un service complet en e-commerce. Créer des sites sur mesure au travers de notre agence E-commerce, ou encore vous rendre plus autonome avec nos programmes de formation Shopify reste une passion et une conviction. Faites appel à nos Shopify Partners sur-motivés pour une approche ROISTE du Ecommerce. 🚀"

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