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Audit / Advice / Actions during our workshop for your e-shop

Get an audit of your website and recommended actions to improve your store setup, such as optimizing your collections, installing recommended apps and other steps to get you ready to sell.

Learn step-by-step how to create an online store with our Shopify-certified expertise. We'll guide you through the launch of your site, going over the essentials to ensure the success of your business.

Examples of tasks:

  • Choosing the right theme for your store
  • Configure payment and delivery methods
  • Add your first products
  • Fill in an effective product sheet
  • Setting up a Google Analytics account
  • Identify target customers

Request an audit

Examples of sites audited by the agency :

Tell us about your project / need ...

Ecommerce X Shopify news

How do I contact a Shopify consultant?

Comment avoir de l'aide sur Shopify  ? Sur Shopify, l'aide peut-être obtenue de différentes manières, sans oublier la documentation, et désormais l'intelligence artificielle. Présente en chat, sur le site de Shopify, elle vous permet d'obtenir beaucoup de réponses à vos...

Analyse site e commerce : Le Guide Complet

Importance de l'audit pour un site e commerce L'audit d'un site spécialisé en e-commerce est une étape cruciale pour ne pas dormir sur ses lauriers et resté sur des a-priori erronés. Typiquement être persuadé qu'on est toujours sur la première...

lobsTTer lobsTTer

Advice from the best of our customers, our Director, Ludovic Mariault, on optimizing the natural referencing of our site!

"At LobsTTer, Shopify agency and certified Shopify Partnerwe embody the passion and expertise to make your e-commerce project a success. AsShopify expertsexperts, our dedicated team combines tailor-made strategies with proven know-how, whether for SEO optimization with our Shopify SEO agencySEO agency, the creation of unique stores via our E-commerce agencyagency, or our Shopify training training programs. Put your trust in Shopify Partners committed to maximizing your visibility and sales with innovative solutions tailored to your market and your goals. 🚀"

👉 Find out how we can boost your project right now : Make an appointment with a Shopify Plus partner.


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